PhillyDB: Big Data Analytics with Vertica Systems
May 15, 2012 · 6:00 PM
Big Data Analytics with Vertica Systems an HP Company
Organizations of all sizes are generating massive amounts of data that, when analyzed properly, can deliver a true competitive advantage in today's fast-paced business environment. But, in order to take advantage of all this data, you need the right tools to manage and analyze in real time, and at scale.
Learn how Vertica can provide unparalleled performance to:
- Extract value from data at the speed and scale you need to thrive in today's economy
- Deploy an analytics architecture built for today's most demanding, real-time analytic workloads
- Deliver high-speed data transformations to accelerate the loading of your data
- Leverage Big Data Insights to create competitive advantage
- Creating Predictive Models to help save their company millions of dollars
Learn how and why Michael Stonebraker created this game changing technology
Create an agile IT environment that scales, controls risk, and reduces project timelines with the lowest entry cost and total cost of ownership in the industry
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